Kindly note attached (below) inquiry Form 29 and Form 30 (as provided by the Department of Social Development)
Screening Staff For Child Protection
Please Note:
Section 123 of the Children’s Act identifies those persons who will not be allowed to work with or to have access to children should their name appear in the register.
Section 126 requires that persons working or having access to children be screened against the register. The screening should be done within 12 months following the promulgation of the act on 1 April 2010. (therefore before end March 2011).
The screening can be requested by the employer by completing Form 29 which is attached. The form must be posted in a sealed envelope marked confidential. The form must be completed for each employee or prospective employee.
Individuals can also submit the inquiries by completing form 30 which is also attached. The form must be posted in a sealed envelope marked confidential.
The applications need not be registered as this will be costly. Ordinary mail is recommended.
The applications can be posted to:
Dept. of Social Development
P/Bag X901