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Janice King

Director: Operations

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Aldine Deelman


Jennifer Claasen
Assistant Coordinator

About us


We believe that children belong in families and that no child should be living, working or begging on the street and that everything should be done to prevent this.

When this does occur (OR children do end up on the street), we believe that, although they have specific needs, they are children with the same potential as any other child, they have equal human rights, and they should be cared for and protected by law.


Therefore, we support:

  • Strategies that connect with the unique needs and dynamics of every child within an holistic approach,

  • Therapeutic interventions to support children to develop an alternative lifestyle off the street, and

  • Interventions that ensure their access to care that addresses  their specific needs.



We have a vision of strong, healthy families where children can reach their full potential, and where no child is living, working or begging on the street.



The WCSCF is a network of organisations working in partnership to create a coordinated, integrated and collaborative sector for children living, working or begging on the street and always acting in the best interest of the child  (in accordance with the Constitution and Children’s Act 38 of 2005).  Through facilitation of partnerships, we aim to identify and fill the GAPS and clear the BLOCKAGES that vulnerable children fall through.  We do this through the following 4 Main Areas of Focus:


  1. Facilitating Inter-Sectoral Partnerships in Regional Forums

  2. Building Sector Capacity, including supervision of DIC Social Workers

  3. Lobbying and Advocacy

  4. Public Awareness Campaigns


We believe Crisis Intervention, Early Intervention and Prevention Programmes need to run simultaneously in our province.



Best Interests of the Child.   Responsibility.   Transparency.   Accountability.   Awareness.   Dialogue.   Participation.   Ownership.  Experience.  Interdependence.  


The WCSCF strives to facilitate relationships with all sectors, such as

  • Dept of Social Development (incl Statutory Child Protection Organisations)

  • SAPS, Metro Police and Law Enforcement, CPF’s, NHW’s

  • NGO Sector (CYCC’s, DIC’s, Prevention Programmes, etc.)

  • Special Rated Areas (CID’s, MID’s, BID’s, etc)

  • WC Education Department & ECD sector

  • Justice and Court System

  • Business and economic sector 

  • Training sector

  • Faith sector

  • Business & economic sector  

  • Media

and sector representation on all key committees and in key areas affecting children, including on the Provincial Child Protection Committee, and other workshops, committees and conferences that arise, as well as the Organisations involved in disability, trafficking, child rights, refugee/asylum seeker rights, missing children, etc.

WCSCF Theory Of Change

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